Tuesday 19 August 2014

Maxi It!

Hi Loves.. Yet again... Back with a colorful Maxi Skirt. I bought this skirt at some Mutumba joint but become one of my favorite. Got it at 500 Ksh only!!! The tie and die prints from a distance look like flowers...Just saying hehehe. Paired with a pink vest and sandles.....Accessorized with my trademark silver chain, black clutch and YB watch.
Perfect for a stroll in the beach, a chill party like a wedding. It can also be worn when attending a traditional occasion e.g Rurashio  but paired with a small coat.
Check out worn with a denim coat and accessorized with yellow.

 Every lady closet should at least have a colorful maxi-skirt for those days....
Thanks for Stopping by----Kimmie


  1. Love Like Share Comment Loves!!!

  2. Good stuff there, keep it up

  3. Truly the world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman...You are very pretty Carol

  4. love the colour co-ordination


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